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Buckinghamshire Community Safety Newsletter June 2021

Monday, June 7th, 2021

The Buckinghamshire Community Safety Newsletter keeps residents informed about the activities of the Community Safety Partnership across the county.

The newsletter, formerly a monthly publication, is now produced every quarter, and this edition is jam-packed with useful information.

Click to open the Community Safety Newsletter and read more about:

  • Anti-Social Behaviour: What is it, what solutions are available, who can you conatct? What have been the recent trends, especially during the pandemic? See also our page on Anti-Social Behaviour.
  • Mini Moto riding: dangerous, illegal and antisocial if used in a public space. What to do if you are affected.
  • Friends Against Scams: Buckinghamshire Council is now an accredited Friends Against Scams Organisation, pledged to support the initiative by raising awareness both of the scheme itself and of scams.
  • Prevent & e-safety within schools: News of projects supported in schools
  • Third-Party Reporting Service for victims of crime: it is believed that the lack of a third-party reporting service, for victims of crime in Buckinghamshire, is one of the factors that has contributed to underreporting of crime. The ‘Safer Buckinghamshire Coordinating Group’ has agreed a third-party reporting service needs to be implemented in Buckinghamshire.
  • Nitrous Oxide (NOS) – The Facts: what is it, what are its effects, what is the Law, other dangers for example from discarded canisters.
  • Neighbourhood Watch Awareness Week: starting on 5th June 2021. This year’s focus is building on the existing and new neighbourly relationships which have been formed throughout the pandemic. 
  • LGBT Bucks Website: aims to inform Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people about services in and around Buckinghamshire.
  • Home Security – Summer Holidays: home security tips to prevent you from becoming a victim of crime.
  • Beauty spot theft: the rural isolation of some of of our beauty spots makes theft from a car quite common, especially in the summer months. A few simple tips to help combat car crime.
  • Operation Sceptre: report on Thames Valley Police’s participation in Operation Sceptre, a national week of action designed to challenge and reduce the threat of knife crime.
  • Update from Bucks & Surrey Trading Standardstips on protecting ourselves from scams.
  • Useful links, contacts etc.

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