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Forum Meetings

Regular Invitation to all residents to engage with Neighbourhood Police

Thank you to all who responded to the survey and attended the Forum’s meeting on Wednesday 26th June. Your contributions help shape the work of Neighbourhood Policing. It was agreed to retain the following focus areas: BURGLARY – DRUGS – SPEEDING. Presentations from the meeting, by Inspector James Ellis and by Robert Gibson on the survey results, and a video playback, can viewed/downloaded from the meeting page.

Forum meetings are held every four months. They are open meetings which anyone can attend, and they are publicised widely in advance.

The meetings are an opportunity for engagement between residents and Neighbourhood Police. Senior representatives of our Neighbourhood Police teams report on recent crime trends, and on actions on previously set focus areas. There is plenty of time for open and often wider ranging discussions, sometimes with guest speakers or subject experts invited. We encourage as many residents, businesses and groups as possible to attend the meeting, to ask questions and air views.

Meetings are preceded by a survey inviting residents to list their top areas of concern. These will be used to inform discussion and setting of future ‘focus areas’, which immediately form part of Neighbourhood officers’ and PCSOs’ workflow and reporting.

To understand the list of concerns – and why certain categories are NOT included – please visit our Neighbourhood Priorities page.

Minutes and reports from the meetings are made available on this website soon after the meeting. These are publicised on the website and elsewhere.

Neighbourhood Police current focus areas


Whilst speed enforcement is not principally owned by the Neighbourhood Policing Team, they have periodically conducted speed enforcements… they have gained a full assessment of the times and places where speeding occurs, meaning resources can be focused on the high demand roads.

Burglary prevention

Based on feedback from the public, burglary continues to be one of the highest concerns of the community. Due to this, the neighbourhood policing team continues to make this one of their top priorities, particularly now as the winter months begin to draw in.
The neighbourhood policing team have been conducting directed patrols of identified high risk areas, increasing their visibility in the area in an effort to deter burglars. They have been working with local Neighbourhood Watch Teams to put in place free Crime Reduction surveys for victims of burglaries as well as their neighbours.


The Neighbourhood Policing Team have been patrolling areas identified to have high activity in drug related offences, they have also worked to obtain intelligence to support warrant applications. In addition, the team have been working closely with partner agencies such as housing, to robustly deal with drug offenders.

These were set at the Forum Meeting on November 23rd 2023. Thank you to all who attended the meeting and completed the survey.


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