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COVID-19 Funding for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

The issue of domestic abuse has been highlighted by the lockdown, and on 11th April, Home Secretary Priti Patel announced support for domestic abuse victims at the daily Government press conference.

Charitable and community organisations across the Thames Valley can now apply for funding to support them in helping victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

The Ministry of Justice funding, which has been announced this week as £814,000 for the Thames Valley area, is available to charities, charitable incorporated organisations, company limited by guarantee, community interest and social enterprise organisations who have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and who support victims of this type of abuse.

The funding available is for additional costs from the time period 24th March – 31st October 2020 only and aims to allow organisations to meet the extra costs they have incurred or will incur whilst adapting their services during the pandemic, and to cope with demand increases resulting from it. For example, funding may be used to:

  • address short term income disruption;
  • meet essential costs of sustaining current activities, such as the purchasing of assets to support the move to remote and digital working, and additional staff to cover those unable to work for reasons related to the pandemic; and
  • address increased demand.

The Poice and Crime Commissioner is now inviting applications for funding and more information, including criteria and frequently asked questions, can be found on the website.

Due to the emergency nature of the funding, there is a tight deadline for the return of applications: 12pm on Wednesday 3rd June 2020.

Contacts and advice for those suffering Domestic Abuse in Chiltern, on Buckinghamshire Council website.

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