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Dog Theft Survey

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

Link to Dog Theft Survey:

Sussex’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, in partnership with the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), has created an online survey designed to understand the public’s perception of dog theft, enforcement, and the prosecution of offenders.

The survey includes a question seeking views on whether dogs should be treated in law merely as property when they are stolen. Having a common understanding of how the public feels about this issue will help inform discussions that PCCs and NWN will have nationally, as well as allow police forces to better understand the public’s views.

Mrs Bourne said: “Pet theft, dog theft in particular, is a growing concern for the public and their fear has been perpetuated over the last couple of weeks with shocking reports in the media of more dogs being snatched by criminals.

“I am incredibly eager to get more detail around this issue and understand residents’ views and if they feel more could be done to respond to their concerns or for more preventative measures to be put in place to better protect their pets.”

We received notice of this survey form Neighbourhood Watch Network, which was approached to help support the campaign. The survey closes on Friday 12th March.

Link to Dog Theft Survey:

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