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Introducing… Switch Bucks

Monday, October 8th, 2018

From 1st October 2018, Cranstoun is the new provider of alcohol and drug services for young people in Buckinghamshire, operating under the title Switch Bucks. Its services are available for all young people aged 10 to 18 (up to 25 in exceptional cases).

logo of Switch BucksCranstoun is a charity which has as its mission empowering people to live healthy, safe and happy lives. It has operated throughout England for almost 50 years, with services currently spanning community-based outreach, treatment and recovery, detox, supported housing, and specialist services for young people and families and carers. See a list of Cranstoun programmes.

View Switch Bucks’ leaflet (PDF, 833kb)

Working with Agencies across Bucks

In Buckinghamshire, Switch Bucks will be working with various agencies throughout the county. This will include:

  • looking to enhance accessibility and the range of wellbeing and life skill support on offer to children and young people.
  • establishing referral pathways – both into Switch Bucks and also into complementary provisions
  • training agencies in how to identify and respond to the signs of substance misuse in children and young people.
  • visiting their premises to meet and see children and young people.
  • sharing information and data to ensure a consistent and coordinated response to the issue of substance misuse and associated challenges.

Open access evening drop-ins are to be established in Wycombe (with Wycombe Mind) and Aylesbury (with Youth Concern) – dates soon to be announced.

Switch Bucks’ practioners provide a county-wide service and are available to travel out and meet young people who require support at venues local to them. It is particularly interested in identifying and working with local Chiltern agencies, so that it has a number of options and venues to see young people. Should local organisations be interested in partnering, please contact Switch Bucks directly at

How this service will look for individuals:

Individuals can either be referred by an agency they are already working with, or contact the service directly via the drop-ins or by phoning or emailing the service directly at

Services include:

  • One-to-one individual support with a key worker
  • Switch Bucks can meet the young person wherever they feel most comfortable
  • Confidential information and advice
  • Family and carer support
  • Group work
  • Professional drug and alcohol training
  • Life skill development and AQA unit awards to young people, to build confidence, resilience and life skills.
  • Education, training and employment support including supported access to Connexions
  • General health support
  • Access to local activities including cooking, music, arts and crafts
  • Access to pharmacological support
  • Support in dealing with the hidden harm caused by parental substance misuse
  • Involvement of other services as agreed

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