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Invitation to join Fight against Speeders

Thursday, March 7th, 2024

Last November, the Missendens Community Board and the Chiltern & South Bucks Policing Issues Forum (“the Forum”) organised a residents’ meeting to discuss speeding. The Police and Crime Commissioner attended, as well as our Neighbourhood Police Sergeant Darren Walsh, and PC Lee Turnham who administers Thames Valley Police’s Community Speedwatch (CSW) schemes. Read report.

Residents of the Missendens Community Board area now have the opportunity for a practical ‘taster’ session. They can see CSW at work, understand the process, handle the speed guns, ask questions etc. These will be held on Wednesday 13th March. Anyone can attend, with no obligation. Please contact Robert Gibson ( to register your interest.

Why the Concern?

Speeding is a major concern of residents of the Missendens. The Forum holds regular surveys of residents’ concerns. For the past seven surveys, going back to November 2021, Missendens residents have voted speeding their leading concern.

Missendens top 3 survey choices 2021-2023

So, what can be done?

Much as we might like police enforcement to clamp down on speeders, realistically, policing cannot be the sole means of targetting speeding in our area. Resourcing is a constraint at the Neighbourhood level, and Roads Policing’s main focus is on the major arteries. While Police do carry out speed monitoring exercises within our communities, they will never be able to supply the consistent monitoring of neighbourhoods that a committed Speedwatch group can.

let's tackle speeding together image

Over the past three years, Community Speedwatch has undergone a transformation. Data is now used promptly to issue warnings to speeding drivers. Provision of speed detection equipment, flexibility for residents to choose when to operate schemes, roadside insurance, ability to set up new schemes, and to operate without police on site – all these changes put more effective means into the hands of concerned communities.

How do I join or create my own scheme?

If you are prepared to give some time towards deterring speeding and antisocial drivers, you can opt to join an existing scheme, or apply to register a new one, perhaps with a group of neighbours. There is no barrier to concerned individuals or groups taking a lead.

Please visit the website For a new scheme, you will be prompted to email PC Turnham, who will assess proposed locations and set the scheme up. To join an EXISTING scheme, click ‘Register’ and then ‘join an existing group’, ‘Thames Valley’, ‘Buckinghamshire’, and then look for a local scheme. You will be invited to provide some details and then undergo induction training. This consists of 6 2-minute videos, with questions, and a summary video at the end. On completion, a scheme coordinator will receive your details and get in touch.

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