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Live Chat Facility added to Victims First

Monday, November 16th, 2020

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Victims First has added a Live Chat service to its website to improve access to support for victims.

Live Chat enhances the existing Victims First service, providing an additional and valuable route to support. It offers a discreet way for victims to access support, which is especially important for victims of domestic abuse who may be living with their abuser, and will be of particular benefit to people who prefer using online channels to reach out for help.

Anyone needing support can get in touch via the Live Chat button on the Victims First website or by calling Victims First on 0300 1234 148 to speak to a trained Victims First Officer who will be able to provide free confidential emotional and practical support. It can provide help regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police.  

Live Chat will be staffed by trained Victims First Officers during Victims First opening hours

Some background on Victims First

Victims First was set up by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2015, covering Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. It is dedicated to making sure that all victims of crime receive the support they need to cope and recover from the impact of their crime.

The service receives referrals from the police, partners and self-referrals. Victims First Officers discuss emotional or practical needs with the victim and work to put in place a support plan which could involve referring them to a commissioned specialist service for further support.

Specialist services include:

  • Victims First Adult Specialist Service (includes Independent Sexual Violence Advisors, Exploitation Specialists and Victim-Led Restorative Justice Service)
  • Victims First Emotional Support Service
  • Hate Crime Third Party Reporting Service
  • Domestic Abuse services commissioned in partnership with local authorities
  • Young Victims Service

The type of assistance available includes telephone support, face to face support, advocacy, including, help to access other services such as sexual health clinics, drug and alcohol services and legal services, support through the criminal justice system (if the crime has been reported to the police) and therapeutic counselling.

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