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Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Chiltern & South Bucks Policing Issues Forum encourages residents to have a say on all issues that affect the resilience and wellbeing of the community. We think it therefore important to highlight this consultation, on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Buckinghamshire.

The blurb with the survey says:

Nature is under threat everywhere, and it is easy to imagine that we are powerless to prevent wildlife decline, but this strategy is one way of making a real difference.

The strategy will be influenced by a wide range of people and organisations, from farmers and landowners, to the public, and conservationists. We need to hear from you all. What do you like about nature in Buckinghamshire? Why is nature in Buckinghamshire important to you? What parts of nature would you like to see recovered or improved over the next 25 years?

Link to LNRS survey

Link to survey page on Buckinghamshire Council citizenspace

Link to explanatory page on Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership

Survey closes Friday 26th February 2021

Further Consultations

The following consultations, also relating to our natural and built environment, may also be of interest – click the title links to visit consultation pages:

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

Creating and publishing an SCI is a legal requirement for all planning authorities. The purpose of a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is to explain how local communities will be involved at each stage of the planning process.

It is divided into sections that include:

  • Planning for the future of Buckinghamshire
  • Neighbourhood planning
  • Planning new development
  • Dealing with unauthorised development

Closes 22nd March 2021

Biodiversity Accounting Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

The Environment Bill will soon require that relevant planning applications consider biodiversity needs. They will need to include information about how the development will maintain and increase on-site biodiversity.

A ‘Biodiversity Accounting Supplementary Planning Document’ has been drafted, setting out:

  • ‘net gain’ requirements in line with the emerging Environment Act
  • how to measure existing biodiversity and achieve the required net gain using a biodiversity accounting tool
  • how to avoid biodiversity loss, increase on-site biodiversity and compensate for essential actions affecting biodiversity using a ‘mitigation hierarchy’
  • details of biodiversity accounting financial contributions.

Closes 19th March 2021

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