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Moving Traffic Offences Consultation

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022

A change in legislation by the Department for Transport (DfT) allows for powers used previously only by the police to be available, on application, to councils.

Buckinghamshire Council is asking for public feedback on its proposal to apply for such powers.

The survey can be accessed online here:

Using ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras, it will monitor and enforce moving traffic contraventions such as:

  • ignoring no entry or no turning signs,
  • entering yellow box junctions with no clear exit,
  • stopping on school keep clears,
  • driving where and when motor vehicles are prohibited,
  • driving the wrong way up one-way streets or driving on routes for buses and taxis only. 

The benefits of these powers include:

  • improve pedestrian and cyclist safety
  • reduce congestion and improve air quality
  • improve journey times for public transport
  • improve safety around schools

The new enforcement powers would apply across Buckinghamshire and add to powers the council already has to address dangerous or illegal parking.

Proposed locations

Examining road safety reports and historical data, the council, in collaboration with Thames Valley Police, has created a list of locations that have been identified as areas where these new powers would be useful.

The list of locations (presumably an initial list?) is below and the Council is seeking residents’ views before 4th April 2022.

  1. Amersham – Gore Hill – No right turn out of Fieldway on to Gore Hill 
  2. Amersham – Whielden Lane A404 – No right turn into Whielden Street 
  3. Amersham – Amersham Road (A413) junction with Pipers Wood – No U-turn 
  4. Aylesbury – Mandeville Road – No right turn into private road (back of Asda near hospital)
  5. Buckingham – High Street at the junction with Moreton Road A413 (running parallel to A422) – No entry
  6. Buckingham – Well Street – Environmental weight restriction – Prohibition of goods vehicles exceeding 7.5 T
  7. Chalfont St Peter – Oval Way outside Thorpe House School – School keep clear
  8. Chesham – High Street – Pedestrian zone – prohibition of motor vehicles except loading for commercial vehicles
  9. Gerrards Cross – Packhorse Road junction with Station Road – Entering yellow box junction with no clear exit 
  10. High Wycombe – Corporation Street – Prohibition of vehicles except buses and taxis (Hackney carriages only) 
  11. High Wycombe – Hamilton Road outside The Royal Grammar School – School keep clear 
  12. High Wycombe – Marlow Hill junction with School Close – Entering yellow box junction with no clear exit
  13. High Wycombe – Castle Street – No entry except for buses
  14. Wexham – Uxbridge Road at the junction with Black Park Road – No U-turn

Have your say

Residents can paricipate in the consultation in one of the following ways:

The consultatiuon closes at midnight on Monday 4 April 2022.

What happens next

Responses to the consultation will be considered by Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet meeting on 10 May 2022. If Cabinet gives the go-ahead, the Council will apply for the enforcement powers to the Department for Transport (DfT) later in May 2022.

If awarded the powers, it expects to be able to introduce them later in 2022. 

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