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National Knife Crime Awareness Week

Monday, September 16th, 2019

Chiltern Community Forum sets three main local policing priorities for each quarter. But this doesn’t mean that other concerns are ignored. Chiltern Community Forum seeks also to take into account and inform on a broad range of policing initiatives.

hashtag knives ruin livesKnife Crime was discussed at the latest (September 2019) meeting. Thankfully, Chiltern has a relatively low incidence of knife crime, but concerns are valid. Ongoing work by PC Claire Annison, Schools & Youth Engagement Officer for Chiltern and South Bucks, has been reported on previously by the Forum, and PC Annison attended our February 2019 meeting.

In this context, National Knife Crime Awareness week runs from today, Monday 16 September, to Sunday 22 September.

During that time Thames Valley Police, along with other forces will be taking part in a variety of activities designed to challenge and reduce the threat of knife crime. This includes:

  • Work with professional partners including local schools, colleges and trading standards;
  • Knife amnesty bin at Amersham Police Station;
  • Information, advice and police activity on social media – you can follow follow our local Thames Valley Police on Twitter @TVP_ChiltSBucks and Facebook
  • Enforcement patrols

Any type of knife or bladed article can be deposited safely in the red amnesty bin at Amersham Police Station between Monday 16 and Sunday 22 September. This is the ideal time to dispose of these items that you are not sure what to do with.

If you are worried about knife crime in your area or if you want to speak to anyone about a specific concern then please do get in touch, please call 101 or report online.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111

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