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New Bucks Community Boards – what do you think?

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

The new unitary authority, called Buckinghamshire Council, will go live on 1 April 2020. At that time, all five existing county and district councils in Buckinghamshire, including Chiltern, will cease to exist.

Work is therefore moving ahead with some urgency, to establish how the Council will work with residents, town and parish councils, key agencies, community groups and others, to ensure strong local connections with communities.

Chiltern Community Forum considers it important to get this right. In addition to setting priorities for Neighbourhood Policing, the Forum seeks to promote community engagement, and encourage involvement by individuals, businesses and other stakeholders within the area.

Buckinghamshire proposed unitary boards graphicBuckinghamshire Council explains the principle of the new Boards as follows: “By working in partnership with local people, town and parish councils, community groups, police, healthcare organisations and residents, these community boards would help the new council understand and respond to local needs more effectively.” Buckinghamshire Council councillors from the local area would sit on their local board.

We assume, therefore, that these will replace the current set-up of Local Area Forums (LAFs), whose remit and objectives look very similar. Currently, LAFs operate in Chesham and Chiltern Villages, Amersham, Missendens and Chalfonts.

During September, you are encouraged to express your opinion on proposals to set up Community Boards. The questionnaire asks your views on:

  • The overall objectives of the Community Boards
  • What issues should the Boards address?
  • Who should be involved?
  • How should money be allocated?
  • Who should be allowed to vote?
  • How many Boards should there be?
  • Any other suggestions?


A number of public drop-in sessions are being held across the county. The Chiltern District Council session is being held on Thursday 5th September, at CDC offices, Amersham, from 10am to 12 noon.


Community Boards – shadow Buckinghamshire website

Community Boards FAQs

Interactive map, showing boundary options

Online survey

The consultation will close at 11:45pm on Monday 30 September.

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