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NEW Police.UK App

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

The Forum makes extensive use of data from the Police.UK website. In particular, this is where we collect our monthly crime stats for neighbourhoods.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council’s (NPPC) Digital Public Contact Programme (DPC) has now rolled out Police.UK as an App. This has all the main features of the website, in a handy form on your phone.

By clicking ‘Contact Us and Report’, the App enables online reporting by citizens while on the move. In addition it delivers crime prevention advice for a wide range of issues, information about local neighbourhood policing teams, local crime stats and a host of other information.

main menu options on app
reporting options on app

Police.UK: launch of new App

In a press release, DPC’s Senior Responsible Officer, Deputy Chief Constable Simon Megicks explains: “We want to make it as easy for the public to contact the police, or find what they need to know such as how to keep themselves or their property safe, or understand what is happening with their local policing team. The Police.UK app puts the public in control to report what they want, when they want to.

“We know that having a digital choice opens a door for many, meaning where they wouldn’t have reported information before, they now will. Crimes and incidents can often go unreported because it’s not always convenient to make a phone call or visit a police station. Having the option to report digitally puts the victim or witness in control and prevents them having to verbally relive the incident out loud to someone they have never spoken to before. They can take ultimate control by using the app in a way they want.

“Having an app to complement our growing digital offering allows us to give a wider audience a different choice. It must be stressed, however, that if it is an emergency the public should always call 999, and the option to call 101 for routine issues absolutely still exists.”

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