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Notes from Forum Meeting September 4th

Saturday, September 8th, 2018

Following review of the survey results and subsequent discussion, the following policing priorities were agreed for the coming quarter:

  • Drug dealing and misuse
  • Burglary
  • Anti-social behaviour

Click here for minutes of the meeting (PDF. 820kb). A brief summary follows:

  • There was a discussion about priorities set by the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), with responsibility for delivery lying with the Chief Constable, and how these can often be different to the priorities that the neighbourhood wishes to see being addressed. The PCC was reported to be particularly concerned by the decrease in confidence in rural areas, and the prevalence of fraud. The team of dedicated rural and wildlife officers is being strengthened, and all neighbourhood officers are being trained in advice on cyber crime.
  • Inspector Richard Vine updated activity over the past 3 months on the previous neighbourhood priorities, Drug Dealing and Usage, Speeding Enforcement and Burglary Prevention. Detailed numbers are available in the minutes.
  • The neighbourhood team had suffered some losses in personnel, but new appointments have been made.
  • Priorities for the coming three months were agreed, as above. Whilst Drugs did not appear in the top 3 of the survey, the mood of the meeting was that they were a root cause of many of the other concerns. The meeting also noted that there is widespread community Speedwatch participation across the region, which will continue to receive support.
  • The new website went live in August, and Robert Gibson of Dovedale Design gave a brief presentation. Focus will now be given to getting the word around via local forums, newsletters, magazines etc.

The meeting was informed by the following survey results:

survey results for chiltern community forum september 2018

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