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‘Operation Grotto’: “the most important partner we can work with is you”

Wednesday, December 13th, 2023

We recommend South Buckinghamshire residents to take a few minutes to read this newsletter from Neighbourhood Policing Inspector James Ellis. Covering winter burglary and security from many angles, it offers a wealth of information and advice to keep ourselves and our property safer.

Open Operation Grotto newsletter.

Thames Valley Police Operation Grotto image
  • What Thames Valley Police is doing to keep our neighbourhoods safe;
  • the critical role of householders in their own home security, as well as that of neighbours and wider community;
  • encouragement to join Neighbourhood Watch schemes;
  • the importance of reporting suspicions;
  • present trends, how burglars operate;
  • keyless cars, jewellery and gold thefts;
  • information on improving our security, keeping our homes and property safe;
  • some security myths and related advice.

Current Stats

It should be stressed that we live in a relatively low-crime area. Nonetheless, burglary numbers, taken from Police.UK website, show an increasing level of criminal activity as we move into the winter months. Total burglaries in July, August and October were all higher than the corresponding month 12 months earlier, when there was a particular spike in November. It is plain to see why we should be taking measures to reduce the vulnerability of our homes.

Burglary stats in South Buckinghamshire 2021-2023

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