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Protecting your Dog from Theft

Friday, April 30th, 2021

There has recently been considerable media interest and social media comment around dog thefts. A recent study by the charity DogLost estimates a 250% increase in dog thefts nationwide during the pandemic.

We are advised by the Police that these have been thankfully rare in Chiltern & South Bucks, but they appreciate that there is a lot of concern, and every instance of a dog theft is heart breaking for its owners.

Hence they urge dog owners to follow sensible precautions.

Here are the basics:

safety advice to protect from dog theft

What to do if a Theft does occur

Theft is a criminal offence and in the event that your dog does go missing, we urge residents to REPORT the incident to the Police, with as much detail about the dog and the circumstances of the incident as possible. This is both for the sake of their own pet, and in order to add to the overall intelligence picture.

CSB Forum post: The Importance of REPORTING Crime and Bad Behaviour

Be sure also to contact your microchip company.

Be aware, too, of the Council’s Dog Warden service – dog wardens are responsible for missing dogs while the police are responsible for stolen dogs, but it’s still worth alerting the dog warden as your dog may end up in their care. Buckinghamshore Council – Dogs and Animal Welfare

Another useful resource is DogLost – “The UK’s largest lost and found dog service”.

Fuller advice is available from The Blue Cross – Pet Theft and how to prevent it and from The Dogs Trust – How to keep your dog safe from thieves and what to do if your dog goes missing

Update – “Taskforce launched to investigate reported rise in pet thefts”

Link to Press Release announcing setting up of taskforce, 8th May 2021

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