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Q2 2019 Neighbourhood Policing Newsletters

Monday, June 17th, 2019

The second quarterly Neighbourhood Policing newsletter for 2019 have been issued, for Chesham, and for Amersham, the Chalfonts and the Missendens.

Download Q2 Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter for Chesham (PDF, 257KB)

Download Q2 Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter for Amersham, Chalfonts and Missendens (PDF, 415KB)

These report on actions taken in pursuit of the priorities set down in the February meeting of Chiltern Community Forum. These were Residential Burglary, Anti-Social Behaviour and Drug Dealing and Misuse.

These included some successful cross-border initiatives with other Forces on burglars and drugs, targetted action on Anti-Social Behaviour, and involvement with the Operation Stronghold team including in a County Drug Lines Week of Action.

It is pleasing to read that, as part of the focussed anti-Burglary activity, the team has been working with Neighbourhood Watch, Trading Standards and The Community Safety Team in raising the awareness of saying no to doorstep selling, and working with Trading Standards and Chiltern & South Bucks DC in creating no door stop selling zones. This will dovetail well with the introduction of Rogue Traders and Scams as a ‘top 3’ concern in the May to August quarter.

The Newsletters include dates of upcoming ‘Have Your Say’ opportunities to meet your neighbourhood police teams, which can also be found on our Diary Dates page.

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