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Rural Crime Update Spring/Summer 2022

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

My aim to work with the rural community in developing working practices together to reduce crime is gathering pace. In February this year we conducted a week of action resulting in visits to 46 rural locations to make people aware of current crime trends and crime prevention techniques.

To successfully deal with this type of crime we need to work with our bordering forces, as frequently criminals are travelling from other areas, and I have been in talks with Aylesbury and Wycombe about better collaboration in the future. Already we are conducting joint operations with High Wycombe, Herts Police and the Met and will utilise our own proactive Road Policing Department and The Rural Taskforce. Analytical data will focus us to target identified routes to intercept travelling criminals on our road networks. These operations have had a massive effect on reducing burglary and capturing drug transits. With the increase in plant theft if you are driving through our area, towing plant, on an operation day, you can expect to be stopped to ensure that no traffic offences are being committed and that the plant you have is not stolen. The last 3 days of action resulted in 5 vehicles being recovered, 9 people being reported for various offences and detailed examination of 5 pieces of travelling plant machinery.

The Rural Crime taskforce has already been making an impact on our area. These specially trained officers have been able to bring their skills to our area and have already been executing warrants and recovering stolen plant and machinery. Check out twitter @TVP_RuralCrime and @TVP_ChiltSBucks for current updates.

With the sudden increase with prices, we are expecting an increase in the following: Thefts of trailers, thefts of fuel and theft of feed. So more than ever, we need to ensure that security protocols are in place. I have done an overview of rural crime since the start of the year:

  • Theft of 18 metres of copper earth cabling in Chesham on 7/2/22.
  • Theft of MJ plant yellow dumper truck on 2/4/22 at Prestwood.
  • Theft of a calf in Prestwood on 14/2/22
  • Theft of £10,000 worth of aluminium in Iver on 21/2/22
  • Theft of 800 litres of red diesel in Missenden on 23/2/22
  • Theft of horse trailer in Dorney 8/4/22 Ifor Williams dark blue horse trailer.
  • Theft of Plant in Seer Green 11/4/22 generator and 1t skip loading dumper stolen.
  • Theft of Ifor Williams trailers and 2 digger buckets in Chalfont St Giles 10/4-11/4/22
  • Theft of Ifor Williams converted into Camper in Little Kingshill 8/4/22.
  • Theft of Leaf blower on 13/4/22 in Penn.
  • Theft of livestock transporter from Little Missenden on 13/4/22 recovered.
  • Theft of mini Bobcat E10 digger from Farnham Common.
  • Theft of mini Kubota digger stolen from Penn on 13/4/22
  • Attempted theft of Ad blue in Denham on 26/4/22.
  • Burglaries 4 at locations in Woodrow, Hyde Heath, Chalfont St Giles and Denham. Kubota tractor and plant machinery batteries stolen.
  • Crim Damage 4 – Two related to hare coursing damaging fencing.
  • Hare Coursing /hunting x 7.
  • Dog offences worrying livestock x 2.

This month your Chiltern & South Bucks NH Teams will be visiting horse yards and stables will be visited and given Country Watch Crime Reduction Packs. Tack and tool marking will also take place. Appointments can be arranged for tack marking at a later date. Rural Spotters will also be actively promoted and we will announce a training date and location in the coming weeks.

Whats App: Following the launch of the Chiltern Rural Community Group Whats App Group is now up and running. The group is run by the public, with Nicole Johnson, the administrator being responsible for admitting persons into the group. If you would like to sign up please e-mail Nicole at

A code of conduct needs to be agreed to. The purpose of the group is not a crime reporting tool, but to share information about suspicious incidents to make both the community and Police aware. The direct engagement with the Neighbourhood Team will assist the Police in where to target their patrols and in which areas to raise their visibility.

There is the Land Watch Whats App group for South Bucks. Tabish from Beaconsfield Parish Council administrates this scheme and if you would like to join please e-mail or call 01494 675173.

It is important to report all crimes. We need information to target resources and develop intelligence. Tell us if you think an offence has or is about to be committed. If it is happening now, ring 999. If you have information that does not require an immediate response report it to Thames Valley Police online or by calling 101. You can report or pass information about rural crime anonymously to the Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online.

Yours sincerely

Darren Walsh
PS 3675
Amersham Police Station
Chiltern & South Bucks Neighbourhood Police Team

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