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Ticket Frauds – beware Social Media

Monday, April 29th, 2024

In the past couple of weeks we have read a lot about ticket fraud in the context of demand for Taylor Swift concert tickets.

We recommend reading Action Fraud’s page on Ticket Fraud for a comprehensive explanation of what ticket fraud is, how to spot the signs, and how to protect yourself. Here are two or three factors that should set alarm bells ringing:

It is estimated that around 90% of ticket scams originate with fake adverts or posts on social media. These take advantage of one of the classic tactics of scam artists – creating urgency for purchasers to act. The release of tickets for a high profile concert provides exactly the sort of conditions scammers thrive upon.

There are many reputable reseller sites – try to check the bona fides if using one. BUT if you are asked not to complete the transcation on the site, but to leave it, and complete the transaction via bank transfer, DON’T DO IT! Also, resist offers for the seller to meet you at the venue to hand over tickets; this is also very likely to be a scam tactic.

Where possible, it is advisable to make payment through a credit or debit card. Your bank may be able to help with a refund – see link below regarding claims under ‘Section 75’:
Financial Ombudsman Service: Problems with goods and services bought using a debit card or credit (Section 75 and chargeback) – website of STAR (Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers). STAR guide to buying tickets safely.

As ever, we emphasise that scams and frauds these can never be eliminated altogether, but by understanding the risks and danger signs, we can make ourselves less vulnerable.

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