Neighbourhood Policing Burglary Updates
Tuesday, October 27th, 2020
At this time of year we tend to be sent advice regarding home security as the evenings get longer. The latest Buckinghamshire Community Safety Newsletter contains a section with such advice and tips, and Thames Valley Police has issued a Chiltern and South Bucks Burglary Update.
The latter is part of a welcome proactive policing approach to target Burglary Crime Reduction, being conducted by the Neighbourhood Policing team. Burglary remains, as ever, one of the top concerns in the Forum’s quarterly surveys.
The update below is one of the elements of this proactive approach. It seeks to includes information about how, where and when burglaries are occurring and what we all need to do to combat burglars. It is then distributed as widely as possible. This includes letter drops at hot spot locations which have included parts of Amersham, Little Chalfont, Chalfont St Peter, Chesham and areas in Denham, Gerrards, Burnham and Iver. It is sent out to Neighbourhood Watch members. Recipients are encouraged also to forward it to resident groups and others who may benefit.
Additional patrols by both constables and PCSO’s are being arranged in regards to Burglary prevention and ASB. Sgt Darren Walsh reports a ‘fantastic result already this week against the criminals and I will hopefully be able to release details at the next forum meeting’.
There has also been evidence of activity in the area by ‘Nottingham Knockers’. A recent post on the Prestwood Village Association website – “Nottingham Knockers” Targeting Local Area – concludes with the following advice:
- DO NOT deal with Nottingham Knockers.
- NEVER allow Nottingham Knockers into your home.
- DO NOT pay CASH on the doorstep.
Be aware of Nottingham Knockers visiting your neighbourhood and report any such activity immediately to Police by calling 101. By doing this you may well prevent another person falling into the cycle of repeated visits and cash hand-overs.”
Chiltern and South Bucks Burglary Update 23rd October 2020
With the dark nights and mornings upon us, we expect the number of burglaries to increase during the autumn and winter seasons. As a result of this we are looking at working with residents in making their neighbourhoods safer. Analysis shows that it is criminals from around the south of England have been targeting properties in our areas.
This October we will be targeting areas of repeat burglaries in an effort in making people aware of the risks. Rather than sending out a leaflet saying get an alarm and turn your lights on I felt it more beneficial to send out this letter which will give you information in regards to current trends and techniques that burglars have been using and some cost effective measures to protect you and your family.
This week our PCSO’s have completed targeted crime prevention in parts of Amersham, Burnham, Chesham, Chalfont St Peter, Denham, Gerrards Cross and Iver in the day time whilst additional patrols have been taking place in the afternoons and evenings by the constables which have already resulted in some good results.
The impact of having your house burgled is immense both financially and mentally. Yet it is common for us to delay doing things until a close friend or yourself has been subjected to such an attack. Having the time or money to buy security measures can also be a reason.
There are a host of things that we can do to make our properties safer which won’t cost the earth. I am going to concentrate on 5 areas.
1: Keep your doors locked at all times. As I have shown this is the first port of call for a burglar. Challenge your family when they leave the doors unlocked. This I find is a common problem and a loud shout of burglar coming in
2: Use your Window locks. It’s all very well having window locks but are you using them. Again this is a common method of entry so let’s make sure that the burglar can’t just open it and wipe the glass away. If it is locked there will be an increased risk of DNA transfer. It’s coming into winter so let’s lock the window and have the key on a picture hook nearby.
3: Keyless car technology. Make sure that your keys are in a safe location where car thieves can’t target them. They do not even need to enter your house. Get a Faraday box for just over £10 and protect those keys.
4: Lock your gate. Stop people from having free access to the rear or side of your house.
5: Keep a light on principles. Make it looks like someone is up and around. Use timer switches, have a radio on or use a fake TV light display to give the illusion you are in. Burglars do not want to get caught and will target somewhere else.
Lets get these key areas right and make it as hard as possible for the burglars.
Darren Walsh
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