“Why do you include Litter and Dog Fouling in the Survey?”

The health of our communities depends on a jigsaw of services. We survey a broad range of concerns so the right agency/solution can be identified.
The health of our communities depends on a jigsaw of services. We survey a broad range of concerns so the right agency/solution can be identified.

Disposing of Waste and combatting Flytippers

From 1 April 2019, non-household waste will be charged at Bucks CC recycling centres. Some answers to “What is non-household waste?” “How much will I be charged? ” “Won’t it add to flytipping?”
From 1 April 2019, non-household waste will be charged at Bucks CC recycling centres. Some answers to “What is non-household waste?” “How much will I be charged? ” “Won’t it add to flytipping?”